bernie palmatier 2New Carlisle author Bernie Palmatier cut his hair last week and donated his ponytail to Locks of Love and Wigs For Kids. Palmatier said this is the second time he has donated his locks to different charities specializing in fitting children and adults with hairpieces as a result of a medical condition.

Karen Martin of Park Layne Stylists cut Palmatier’s hair free of charge last Thursday, which Palmatier said he had been growing for three years now.

Martin will cut anyone’s hair without cost if the hair is going directly to similar hair-related charities such as Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids.

Palmatier said these charities don’t just provide wigs for people with cancer, but for those with alopecia and other conditions that can cause hair loss.

Palmatier said he couldn’t wait to show his wife, as the haircut was planned without her knowledge. He said she had been asking him to cut his hair lately, as they have to attend an important wedding in coming weeks, and she did not want his ponytail to be present.

To schedule an appointment with Karen at Park Layne Stylists for a charitable haircut, call 937-849-6269.